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Holistic Health pop-up lab at John Bell & Croyden in London

We are thrilled to announce our Longevity & Supplements pop-up lab at London’s luxury, health and wellbeing emporium, John Bell & Croyden, from 1st February.

The pop-up will have expert nutritionists from Clinique La Prairie, guiding you through a unique holistic approach to longevity combining leading science with bespoke plans. Upon appointments, you will receive a complimentary personalised nutritional session. The experience will include an assessment of your nutrition and lifestyle, and your tailored protocol of short- and long-term nutraceutical plans to unlock your body and brain to its fullest potential.

The lab will retail all the products of the Holistic Health line. You will enjoy special offers of gifts with each purchase. The pop-up lab is at John Bell & Croyden until 27th February, so make sure you don’t miss out the chance to speak with Holistic Health’s experts to uncover your very own body’s connection to longevity and discover the most advanced sciences to slow down aging, to detox, to boost your brain, or support your overall wellbeing.

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